jueves, 30 de enero de 2020



      1) My brother _____________________ (always, play) computer games.
      2) I _____________________ (not do) my homework now.
      3) _____________________ (you, usually, buy) things at this shopping centre?
      4) _____________________ (your mother, understand) English?
      5) My parents _____________________ (buy) food at the moment.
      6) My friends _____________________ (not like) going to the cinema.
      7) I _____________________ (come) here once a month.
      8) What _____________________ (you, look) for today?
      9) My father _____________________ (put) the lunch on the table now.
    10) _____________________ (your sister, write) an email to her friends at the moment?
    11) _____________________ (your English teacher, give) you many tests?
    12) Pat and Diane _____________________ (not plan) the class party now.
    13) The taxi driver _____________________ (usually, not stop) for lunch at 2 o’clock.
    14) _____________________ (they, try) to watch the news now?
    15)  It _____________________ (rain) now.
    16) The baby _____________________ (cry) all nights.
    17) Your sister _____________________ (not teach) science.
    18) I _____________________ (not have) my lunch at the moment.
    19) _____________________ (the girl, study) music every day?
    20) The children _____________________ (run) in the playground right now.

     1) The teacher _____________________ (watch) while we _____________________ (do) the
     2) The bus _____________________ (arrive) when I _____________________ (talk) on the
     3) What _____________________ (you, do) when the teacher _____________________
         (come) in?
     4) We _____________________ (have) lunch when we  _____________________ (hear) the
     5) I _____________________ (swim) when the dog _____________________ (jump) into the
     6) What _____________________ (he, do) at 7.30 yesterday morning?
     7) Mark _____________________ (cry) while he _____________________ (listen) to the
     8) Sue _____________________ (watch) TV while her parents  _____________________
         (read) the newspaper.
       9) What _____________________ (your parents, do) when you _____________________
          (go) home yesterday?
     10) Sandra _____________________ (walk) home when she
          _____________________ (see) the dog in the street.
     11) The boys _____________________ (play) football when it
          _____________________ (start) to rain.
     12) What _____________________ (your sister, do) at 11 o’clock last night.
     13) Tim _____________________ (run) when he _____________________ (fall) down.
     14) The teacher _____________________ (talk) while the students
          _____________________ (write) in their notebooks.
     15) Harry and Mark _____________________ (not watch) the game
           when I _____________________ (arrive).
     16) The reporter _____________________ (listen) while I  _____________________ (talk) to
     17) While Roy _____________________ (ski), his friends  _____________________ (skate).
     18) She _____________________ (buy) a ticket when I _____________________ (see) her.
     19) When Vera _____________________ (hear) the news, she _____________________
          (drive) home.
     20) Mum _____________________ (drop) the eggs while she _____________________ (put)
          them in the fridge.
     21) When we _____________________ (go) to the park yesterday, the sun
          _____________________ (shine).
     22) Jane _____________________ (not talk) while her favourite singer
          _____________________ (sing).
     23) _____________________ (the teacher, talk) when the lesson _____________________
     24) While mum _____________________ (wait) for us, she _____________________ (buy) a

 1.- Use a subject pronoun as the subject of each sentence based on the word(s) in parentheses.
       1) _________ works at National Bank. (Mary)
       2) _________ are in the cupboard. (the cups)
     3) _______ lives in Oakland, California. (Derek)
     4) _______ enjoy watching movies on Friday evenings. (My brother and I)
     5) _______ is on the table. (the magazine)
     6) _______ is working at the moment. (Mary)
     7) _______ study French at university. (Peter, Anne and Frank)
     8) _______ are good friends. (Tom and I)
     9) _______ went to school yesterday. (Anna)
   10) _______ think this exercise is difficult. (the students)

2.- Use a object pronoun as the object in each sentence based on the word(s) in parentheses.
     1) Please give _______ the book. (Peter)
     2) I bought _______ last week. (the car)
     3) Angela visited _______ two months ago. (Mary)
     4) I enjoyed listening to _______ last week. (the song)
     5) Alexander asked _______ to give the book to him. ( I)
     6) She ate _______ quickly and left for work. (breakfast)
     7) I picked _______ up at seven o'clock. (Peter and Jane)
     8) I like reading _______ before I go to sleep. (magazines)
     9) It's very difficult to memorize _______. (the new vocabulary words)
   10) Tom gave _______ some advice. (my wife and I)

3.- Use a possessive adjective in the gap in each sentence based on the word(s) in parentheses.
     1) That's ________ book on the table. (I)
     2) Peter asked _______ sister to the dance. (Jane)
     3) We bought _______ book last week. (Alex Smith)
     4) _______ color is red. (The car)
     5) Would you like to buy _______ cookies? (My friends and I)
     6) Peter picked up _______ lunch and left for school. (Peter)
     7) Alison asked _______ questions because they couldn't come. (Mary and Frank)
     8) I think _______ idea is crazy! (You)
     9) I'd like to hear _______ opinion. (Susan)
   10) She works for _______ company. (John)

4.- Use a possessive pronoun in the gap in each sentence based on the word(s) in parentheses.
     1) The book is _______. (John)
     2) I think we should go in _______. (The boy's car)
     3) That house is _______. (Kathy)
     4) Do you hear the telephone? I think it's _______. (my telephone)
     5) I'm sure it's _______. (the computer that belongs to my sister and me)
     6) Look at that car. It's _______. (Mary and Peter)
     7) That dog over there is _______. (Henry)
     8) Those bicycles are _______. (Jack and Peter)
     9) No, that one is _______. (you)
   10) Yes, that one is _______. (I)

5.- Choose the correct answer
      1) Could ….. take a message, please?
          a) you          b) her          c) your          d) his
     2) They showed ….. all ….. holiday photos last night.
         a) their / us          b) our / them          c) us / their          d) our / them
     3) I’m sorry but these seats are …..
         a) we          b) us          c) our          d) ours
     4) Sandy and ….. are going to the café.
         a) me          b) I          c) my          d) mine
     5) Do you want ….. to turn this off?
         a) I          b) me          c) my          d) mine
     6) I saw your sister’s paintings yesterday. ….. were very good.
         a) They          b) Them          c) Their          d) Theirs
     7) They’ve got two babies. They take ….. everywhere.
         a) They          b) Them          c) Their          d) Theirs
     8) Let ….. help ….. with that.
         a) ours / you          b) our / yours          c) us /you          d) we / your

6.- Fill the gaps with the correct pronoun or possessive      
      1) This is my brother’s cap and this is _______________. My grandmother gave
          _______________ to _______________.
      2) Good morning, can _______________ help _______________?
      3) Ah, that’s Kelly’s watch. Could _______________ pass _______________ to
          _______________. I’ll keep _______________ safe.
      4) That poor dog has lost one of _______________ legs.
      5) Look! Lisa’s got Billy’s pone number. _______________ gave _______________
          _______________ last night.
      6) _______________ don’t mind where _______________go but _______________
          doesn’t like.
      7) _______________ never lets _______________ watch TV  after 9.30.
      8) We’ve bought a car. Do you like _______________ new car?
         ______________________________ is  second hand.


     1) “What do you think about the new film?” the journalist asked me.
     2) “Are you going to be the next group leader?” I asked her.
     3) “Have they already seen all the rooms yet?” I asked him.
     4) “Did you have enough time to finish your work?” she asked them.
     5) “Michael, can I borrow your pen?” Susan asked.
     6) “Is it your birthday this month?” he asked me.
     7) “Can you help me?” I asked him.
     8) “Where is my suitcase?” he asked them.
     9) “When will the lunch be ready?” he asked his mum.

   10) “Why are you wearing this awful skirt?” I asked her.
   11) “Did you park your car here?” she asked him.
   12) “Where are my sleepers, children?” mum asked.
   13) “What have you brought to the picnic?” dad asked the children.
   14)  “Has your mother called you?” dad asked me.
   15) “What colour is your new car?” he asked us.

   16) “Can I see some identification?” the policewoman asked me.
   17) “Where did you find this great book?” she asked them.
   18) “Will you be here tomorrow?” he asked me.
   19) “Who are you looking for?” I asked him.

   20) “Are they taking the dog for a walk now?” I asked you.
   21) “What can I do for you?” she asked us.
   22) “Will you send me an email, Paul?” Kim asked.
   23) “Are you seeing this beautiful picture in my book?” my little brother asked me.

   24) “How often do you clean your teeth a day?” her mother asked her.

   25) “Is this the road to the station?” she asked me.
   26) “What are you going to do at the weekend?”I asked him.
   27) “How about drinking a cup of coffee with me?” he asked them.
   28) “Will you come to my house tomorrow?” she asked us.
   29) “Can I talk to you for a minute?” the teacher asked me.
   30) “Where do you park your car, Frida?” I asked.

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UNITS 7 & 8

UNIT 7 – 8 EXERCISES – SOLUTIONS - 3RD ESO 1.- WRITE THE SUPERLATIVE IN NEXT SENTENCES      1) January is often _________________________...