sábado, 7 de marzo de 2020



      1) My father has got a new job. He ____________________________  (work) at the power
     2) The city is going to announce plans to build a power station on the beach. The people
        of the town ____________________________ (like) it.
     3) It’s too far to walk to the university campus. I think I ____________________________
         (call) a taxi.
     4) Next month, Mr. Ronald ____________________________ (move) his office to the new
     5) The Williams family is moving to a small town. I think they
        ____________________________ (be) happy there.
     6) A: What time’s the rugby match?
         B: Six o’clock. But we ____________________________ (meet) at five o’clock for a training
     7) A: It’s raining! We can’t play tennis in this weather!
         B: Don’t worry! I ____________________________ (ask) if the sports hall is free.
     8) A: ____________________________ (you, watch) the match at Dave’s house?
         B: Yes. He invited us last week.
     9) A: Your little sister is very good at gymnastics.
         B: I know. She ____________________________ (compete) in the national championship
             next month.
   10) A: Have you got tickets for Wimbledon?
         B: Yes, I have. We ____________________________(see) the women’s doubles final!
   11) A: Oh no! I’ve forgotten my football shirt!
         B: It’s OK –I’ve got two. I ____________________________ (lend) you one of mine.
   12) I think our school team ____________________________ (win) the league next year.
   13) ____________________________ (we, have) an extra training session this week?
   14) Robots ____________________________ (never, be) good enough to play
        against humans.
   15) Harry ____________________________ (not travel) to London with us tomorrow. He’s
         booked a separate flight.
   16) My maths exam is on Friday, so tomorrow I ____________________________ (revise)
         all day.
   17) It’s really hot. I ____________________________ (open) the window.
   18) Experts believe robots ____________________________ (beat) human players.
   19) They ____________________________ (show) a robot maraton on TV next week.
   20) ____________________________ (they, use) robot referees at the next cup final?
   21) Jack: I can’t find my wallet.
        Louise: I ____________________________ (lend) you $5.
   22) We ____________________________ (not make) our model robot until next week.
   23) ____________________________ (he, upload) the video of his  robot to the internet?
   24) Robots ____________________________ (not compete) against humans until the year
   25) Sam thinks robots ____________________________ (score) more goals than humans.
   26) They ____________________________ (not compete) in next year’s RoboCup.
   27) Scientists think that the robot’s coordination ____________________________(improve)
   28) Sarah: I haven’t got time to call Vicky.
         Mary: I ____________________________ (do) it.
   29) I ____________________________ (buy) Ollie’s birthday present this afternoon.
         I ____________________________ (come) with you if you like.

     1) If it ____________________________ (snow), I ____________________________ (go) skiing.
     2) I ____________________________ (not speak) to Lisa if she
         ____________________________ (not invite) me to her party.
     3) The students ____________________________ (not pass) the test if they
        ____________________________ (not study)
     4) The teacher ____________________________ (be) angry if we
         ____________________________ (not finish) the project.
     5) If you ____________________________ (see) Adam, he
        ____________________________(tell) you the story.
     6) If you ____________________________ (like) comedies, you
        ____________________________ (love) this film.
     7) They ____________________________ (not be) at home if I
         ____________________________ (be) late.
     8) If they ____________________________ (not come) home soon, we
         ____________________________ (not wait) for them.
     9) Barry ____________________________ (go) to the cinema if you
          ____________________________ (go) with him.
   10) If Jamie ____________________________ (work) hard, he
         ____________________________ (pass) the test.
   11) If I ____________________________ (finish) my homework, I
        ____________________________ (watch) a film.
   12) You ____________________________ (not want) dinner if you
         ____________________________ (eat) a lot of sweets now.
   13) We ___________________________ (not go) on holiday if we
         ____________________________ (not have) money.
   14) I ____________________________ (speak) to Cathy if you
         ____________________________ (give) me her pone number.
   15) If Hellen ____________________________ (be) ill, she ____________________________
        (not go) to school.
   16) If it ____________________________ (rain), they ____________________________ (will stay)
         at home.
   17) If people ____________________________ (collect) their rubbish, the beach
         ____________________________ (be) clean.
   18) We ____________________________ (swim) in the sea if we
        ____________________________ (go) to the beach.
   19) If that tall man ____________________________ (sit) in front of me, I
         ____________________________ (not see) the show.
   20) She ____________________________ (enjoy) that film if she
         ____________________________ (go) to see it.
   21) If the computer ____________________________ (not work), we
         ____________________________ (buy) a new one.
   22) If you ____________________________ (invite) him to the concert, he
         ____________________________ (come).
   23) Simon ____________________________ (not pass) the test if he
        ____________________________ (not study) tonight.
   24) If Beth ____________________________ (want) new sandals, her mum
        ____________________________ (buy) them.
   25) They ____________________________ (not be) ontime if they
         ____________________________ (walk) to the sports centre.
   26) If you ____________________________ (forget) to bring the sandwiches, you
         ____________________________ (be) hungry.

     1) I ____________________________ (visit) the doctor this week.
     2) My friends ____________________________ (start) running every morning.
     3) My family ____________________________ (just, move) to a new house.
     4) ____________________________ (you, ever, sing) on TV?
     5) My mum ____________________________ (work) in a restaurant.
     6) I ____________________________ (never, play) water polo.
     7) I ____________________________ (always, love) pop music.
     8) ____________________________ (your family, live) in the same house?
     9) I ____________________________ (not see) good TV programmes this week.
   10) Our class ____________________________ (not take) a trip to Rome yet.
   11) ____________________________ (a famous star, ever, be) at your school?
   12) Sam ____________________________ (read) all of the Harry Potter books.
   13) Helen ____________________________ (already, give) me a birthday present.
   14) ____________________________ (you, see) a good film since last Friday?
   15) Ellen ____________________________ (not write) an e-mail to Sue.
   16) Dad ____________________________ (forget) his umbrella at home.
   17) ____________________________ (you, go) to the same school for the last three years?
   18) Tess ____________________________ (take) her dog for a walk every morning.
   19) ____________________________ (you, ever, be) to a fitness class?
   20) Kyle ____________________________ (only have) nutritious food.

    1) He hasn’t been ill __________ five years.
     2) I haven’t seen him __________ 2018.
     3) She’s had a cold __________ last week.
     4) They’ve been in hospital __________ two weeks.
     5) I haven’t read a book __________ a long time.
     6) Melanie hasn’t been here __________ she was a baby.
     7) I haven’t been here __________ nine o’clock.
     8) The doctor has worked at this hospital __________ 10 years.
     9) Have you seen Brian __________ last Tuesday?
   10) Helen hasn’t spoken to me __________ the accident.
   11) Has Clive gone to Germany __________ a long time?
   12) I haven’t had an earache __________ I was four years old.
   13) I haven’t seen the doctor __________ three years.
   14) You haven’t cooked a meal __________ a long time.
   15) They have lived here __________ 2010.
   16) We haven’t seen Bill __________ last year.
   17) Len and I haven’t talked __________ three weeks.
   18) Jane has sung __________ she was two years old.
   19) I haven’t written to Paul __________ last year.
   20) They boys have worked in the restaurant __________ September.

     1) Water polo __________________________ (play) in a swimming pool.
     2) The box of chocolates __________________________ (open) yesterday.
     3) The vegetables __________________________(wash) in the kitchen.
     4) The forest __________________________ (destroy) last year.
     5) The eggs __________________________ (nor fry) well yesterday.
     6) This programme __________________________ (not watch) in many countries.
     7) Milk __________________________ (use) in this cake.
     8) My bag __________________________ (find) last week.
     9) A hundred chairs __________________________ (make) here last month.
   10) The letters __________________________ (open) in my office at three o’clock.
   11) The windows __________________________ (not clean) twice a week.
   12) Tim __________________________ (not invite) to her last party.
   13) The students __________________________ (ask) to arrive at eight last week.
   14) Bread __________________________ (bake) in the mornings.
   15) Water __________________________ (add) to this orange juice.
   16) Ice cream __________________________ (not sell) here last summer.
   17) French __________________________ (not speak) in China.
   18) Harry Potter books __________________________ (read) all over the world.
   19) The money __________________________ (put) in the bank yesterday.
   20) These shoes __________________________ (not buy) last year.

     1) The children prepare the summer school party
     2) Tom bought a nice present yesterday.
     3) My neighbour trains guard dogs.
     4) People of all ages play this game.
     5) Ann sang a beautiful song.
     6) My sister made a tasty cake.
     7) The secretary sends a lot of emails every day.
     8) Two teachers correct these exams.
     9) Helen taught French at this school.
   10) Tim sent an SMS to his friend
   11) A police car follows the green car.
   12) They visited that museum yesterday.
   13) I clean my room every day.
   14) They grow strawberries every year.
   15) We bought tickets for the concert.
   16) Hellen wrote a poem yesterday
   17) The airline sent our passage to Australia.
   18) People export Spanish omelette to USA.
   19) I do my homework every day.
   20) Steven bought a new car last month.
   21) Maggie teaches Spanish to Tim twice a week.

   22) My father sent an email yesterday morning.
   23) Mr. Jackson found gold coins last week.
   23) Sarah receives some letters from her boyfriend.
   24) She plays the piano every morning.
   25) My brother answered the pone.
   26) Jessica’s mother cooks some cookies.
   27) He served some Italian customers.

   28) The cat broke the yellow base yesterday morning.
   29) You paint wonderful pictures.
   30)  Sam asked my telephone number.

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UNITS 7 & 8

UNIT 7 – 8 EXERCISES – SOLUTIONS - 3RD ESO 1.- WRITE THE SUPERLATIVE IN NEXT SENTENCES      1) January is often _________________________...