domingo, 17 de febrero de 2019

UNIT 4___ Present Simple or Present Continuous/Stative

Choose the present simple or present continuous (these verbs are sometimes stative):

1.          She                           (have) a bath everyevening.
2.          Myhusband                          (always / taste) the food while I’m cooking! It’s veryannoying.
3.          A: Where’sLuke?
B:He                           (see) the doctornow.
4.          I                           (not / think) that’s a goodidea.
5.          He                           (have) a party at theweekend.
6.          Thiscoffee                           (not / taste)right.
7.          We                           (see) John and Susie nextweekend.
8.          What                           (you / think) about the war inIraq?
9.          She                           (have) aheadache.
10.      It                           (be) cold today.
11.      They                          (not / have) acar.
12.      I                           (not / see) anything, I can’t work thetelescope.
13.      Thewaiter                           (taste) the winenow.
14.      She                           (not / be) adoctor.
15.     A:What                           (that child / do)? B:He            (be)silly.
16.                                (you /be)hungry?                           (you / want) asandwich?
17.      A:What                           (you / do)?
B:I                           (think) about myex-boyfriend.
18.      I                           (have) fun today!
19.      I                           (see) Julie everyTuesday.
20.      I                           (have) an idea!
21.     A:Achoo!
B:Blessyou!                           (you / have) a cold?
22.      Theyoften                          (see) a film on Fridays.
23.     A: How’s thecake?
B:It                           (taste)funny.
24.                                 (you / have) a good time at themoment?

25.      Thechefalways                           (taste) the food before he servesit.
26.     A: Julie has been offered a newjob. B: Is she going to takeit?
A:She                           (not /know).She                           (think) aboutit.

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UNITS 7 & 8

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