jueves, 21 de febrero de 2019



1.      At six o´clock this morning I (have)....................................a wonderful dream,
but then the alarm (go) .......................................off.
2.      This time yesterday I (lie) .......................................on the beach.
3.      When I walked in they (all talk)...........................................about babies.
4.      I saw Sid when I (come)........................................to work this morning. He (shop)...............................................
5.      She (meet)....................................her husband while she (travel)..............................in Egypt.
6.      While I (talk)..................................to Mrs. Singleton somebody (walk) ................................into my office and (steal)..................................the computer.
7.      When Jake (come) ...............................in everybody (stop) .................................talking.
8.      I (look) .......................................out of the window and (see)........................that we (fly).....................................over the mountains.
9.      I (wake) .....................................up to find that water (pour)........................ through the bedroom ceiling.
10. He (break) ..................................his leg while he (play)................................
11. I (go).......................................to see how she (be)........................ and found that she (cry).........................................
12. She (tell) ...................................me she (have)................................. a  bad
time with her husband.

domingo, 17 de febrero de 2019

UNIT 4___ Present Simple or Present Continuous/Stative

Choose the present simple or present continuous (these verbs are sometimes stative):

1.          She                           (have) a bath everyevening.
2.          Myhusband                          (always / taste) the food while I’m cooking! It’s veryannoying.
3.          A: Where’sLuke?
B:He                           (see) the doctornow.
4.          I                           (not / think) that’s a goodidea.
5.          He                           (have) a party at theweekend.
6.          Thiscoffee                           (not / taste)right.
7.          We                           (see) John and Susie nextweekend.
8.          What                           (you / think) about the war inIraq?
9.          She                           (have) aheadache.
10.      It                           (be) cold today.
11.      They                          (not / have) acar.
12.      I                           (not / see) anything, I can’t work thetelescope.
13.      Thewaiter                           (taste) the winenow.
14.      She                           (not / be) adoctor.
15.     A:What                           (that child / do)? B:He            (be)silly.
16.                                (you /be)hungry?                           (you / want) asandwich?
17.      A:What                           (you / do)?
B:I                           (think) about myex-boyfriend.
18.      I                           (have) fun today!
19.      I                           (see) Julie everyTuesday.
20.      I                           (have) an idea!
21.     A:Achoo!
B:Blessyou!                           (you / have) a cold?
22.      Theyoften                          (see) a film on Fridays.
23.     A: How’s thecake?
B:It                           (taste)funny.
24.                                 (you / have) a good time at themoment?

25.      Thechefalways                           (taste) the food before he servesit.
26.     A: Julie has been offered a newjob. B: Is she going to takeit?
A:She                           (not /know).She                           (think) aboutit.

UNIT 4 Change from direct speech to indirect speech


1.    “Who was that beautiful woman?”, she asked me.
2.    “How is your mother?”, she asked me.            
3.    “What are you going to do at the weekend?”, she asked me.        
4.    “Where will you live after graduation?”, she asked me.       
5.    “What were you doing when I saw you?”, she asked me.   
6.    “How was the journey?”, she asked me.         
7.    “How often do you go to the cinema?”, she asked me.
8.    He asked, "How much does it cost?"
9.    Helen asked, "where are you going?"
10.They asked me "Will you incite us?"
11.He asked me, "Where is the post office?"
12.She asked me, "What time is it?"
13.He asked me, "How are you feeling now?"
14.She asked him, "How are you liking your new job?"
15.He asked me, "How long have you been waiting?"
16.She said to me, "Why did you throw it away".
17.“Where is he?”, she asked me.
18.“What are you doing?”, she asked me.            

19.“Why did you go out last night?”, she asked me.

UNITS 7 & 8

UNIT 7 – 8 EXERCISES – SOLUTIONS - 3RD ESO 1.- WRITE THE SUPERLATIVE IN NEXT SENTENCES      1) January is often _________________________...