miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2019



     1) Meat:  
     2) Camera:  
     3) Soap:  
     4) Carrot:  
     5) Ring:  
     6) Rice:  
     7) Cheese:  
     8) Kangaroo:  
     9) Bread:  
   10) Money:  
   11) Duck:  
   12) Butterfly:  

2.- USE A, AN, THE or /
     1) You’ll get __________ shock if you touch __________ live wire with that
         screwdriver. Why don’t you get __________ acrewdriver with __________
        insolated handle?
     2) Do you know __________ time?
         Yes, __________ clock in __________ hall has just struck nine.
         Then it isn’t __________ time to go yet!
     3) There’s been __________murder here.
         Where’s __________ body?
         There isn’t __________ body.
         Then how do you know there’s been __________ murder?
     4) Can I give him __________ apple and __________ biscuit?
     5) My mother goes to __________ church in __________ morning, and in
        __________ afternoon goes to visit __________ friends.
     6) There was __________ collision between __________ car and __________ cyclist
         at __________ crossroads near __________ my house early in __________
        morning. __________ cyclist was taken to __________ hospital with __________
        __________ driver of __________ car was treated for __________ shock.
        __________witnesses say that __________ car was going at __________
        seventy miles __________ hour.
     7) __________ Mr. Smith is __________ old customer and __________ honest
         Why do you say that? He has been accused of __________ dishonesty?
     8) I’d like to see __________ Mrs.Tanner, please.
         Do you mean __________ Mrs. Tanner who works in __________ box office or
         __________ other Mrs. Tanner?
     9) Would you like to hear __________ story about __________ Englishman,
         __________ Irishman and __________ Scotsman?
          No, I’ve heard __________ stories about __________ Englishmen, __________
         Irishmen and __________ Scotsmen before and they are all __________ same.
   10) But mine is not __________ typical story. In my story __________ Scotsman is
         generous, __________ Irishman is logical and __________ Englishman is
         Oh, if it’s __________ fantastic story I’ll listen with __________ pleasure.

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UNITS 7 & 8

UNIT 7 – 8 EXERCISES – SOLUTIONS - 3RD ESO 1.- WRITE THE SUPERLATIVE IN NEXT SENTENCES      1) January is often _________________________...