miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020

UNITS 7 & 8


     1) January is often ______________________________ (cold) winter month.
     2) This books is ______________________________ (expensive) book in the store
     3) John is ______________________________ (happy) person I  know.
     4) Brazil is ______________________________ (big) country in Sourth America.
     5) I am ______________________________ (tall) person in my  family.
     6) Jupiter is ______________________________ (big) planet in our solar system.
     7) Elephants are ______________________________ (large) land animal son Earth.
     8) We bought ______________________________ (expensive) TV in the store.
     9) Which sport do you think is ______________________________ (dangerous)?
   10) My cat is ______________________________ (lazy) cat I’ve ever known.
   11) This restaurant serves ______________________________ (good) food in town.
   12) I think maths is ______________________________ (difficult) subject.
   13) What ______________________________  (long) word in English do you know?
   14) Who is ______________________________ (strange) man in the story?
   15) Last week I had ______________________________ (bad) time in  my life!
   16) Which place is ______________________________ (hot) place on Earth?
   17) I think it is ______________________________ (funny) show on televisión.
   18) My friend is ______________________________  (interesting) person I know.
   19) Who is ______________________________ (famous) person in your country?
   20) The cheetah is ______________________________ (fast) animal on Earth.

     1) Nobody ______________________________ (see) him __________ last Friday.
     2) It ______________________________( be) foggy __________some days.
     3) He ______________________________ (be) fishing __________ six oclock
     4) They ______________________________ (live) in Paris __________ eight months.
     5) The pilots ______________________________ (be) on strike __________ two
     6) We ______________________________(have) bad weather __________ Saturday:
     7) I ______________________________ (know) Thomas  __________ 2010.
     8) We ______________________________ (wait) for the bus __________ half an
     9) She ______________________________ (not lose) a match __________ June.
   10) Things ______________________________ (change) __________ she became
   11) The police ______________________________ (look for) him __________ a
   12) I ______________________________ (work) __________ I got up.
   13) The kettle ______________________________ (boil) __________ a long time.
   14) She ______________________________ (not have) a day off __________ 3
   15) He ______________________________ (dance) __________ he was small.
   16) I ______________________________ (lose) so much flexibility
       __________ I injured my leg.
   17) He ______________________________(write) the composition
        ___________ an hour.
   18) He ______________________________ (not phone) me __________ 3 months.
   19) They ______________________________ (camp) _________ two weeks.
   20) She ______________________________ (not see) her friends __________ her
   21) We ______________________________ (not meet) each other ___________ two
   22) The boy ______________________________ (not eat) anything __________ six
   23) I ______________________________ (know) Pam __________ Primary.
   24) What ______________________________ (you, do) __________ you finished
   25) They ______________________________ (learn) Chinese  __________ 3 years.
   26) The teacher ______________________________ (teach) us __________ 35
   27)   It ______________________________  (rain) __________ a long time.
   28) Humans ______________________________ (travel) in space __________ 1964.
   29) I ______________________________ (want) to be a doctor __________ I was a
   30) We ______________________________ (go) jogging every morning __________

     1) “We are busy” they said

     2) “I am reading now” he said

     3) “I will ring you” he said to me

     4) “I know a better restaurant” you said
     5) “I woke up early yesterday” she said
     6) “We have just maried” they said

     7) “I will clean the car” she said
     8) “I didn’t say this” he said
     9) “I don’t know where my shoes are” she said
   10) “I won’t tell anyone” she said
   11) “I visited this museum last week” Freddy said
   12) “I am the best for this job” Sally said
   13) “The crisis will be overcome next year” the Prime Minister said.
   14) “Nobody has ever fallen off a horse here” the instructor said
   15) “No one of my co-workers has to work overtime now” the boss said
   16) “Mr and Mrs Wilson have gone on holiday” their neighbour said.
   17) “I’m going to the dentist now” Lynn said

   18) “You have never seen a whale before” I said.

   19) “I will order a pizza tonight” he said

   20) “The sun rises in the east” I said
   21) “There was a good TV film yesterday” I said

   22) “It’s always hot at this time of year” I said

   23) “I’m having a headache today” she said
   24) “There is a bus strike tomorrow” he said

  25) “I’m going to pick up Jamie “ he said.

     1) “What did you say?” he said
     2) “Stop the car” the passenger said to the taxi driver.

     3) “I got an A in my History exam yesterday” she said
     4) “Don’t be so late” her mother said.
     5) “Do you want to dance?” he said.
     6) “The parade will start from here tomorrow” I said

     7) “You wore my dress without asking me” she said
     8) “Keep moving!” the police said to us.
     9) “Don’t worry!” I said
   10) “How old are you?” she said
   11) “Can you show me the way?” he said.
   12) “I will phone you as soon as I arrive, Paul” she said

   13) “Which jacket have you already tried on?” she said
   14) “Don’t bother the animals, kids” the zoo keeper said
   15) “Can you help me with my Science Project?” my brother said.
   16) “Tiidy your room, Sam” I said.
   17) “I will make you something to eat” he said.
   18) “Don’t ask me anything now1” she said.
   19) “Remember your promise, Lucy” I said.
   20) “I will pick up you at stations” she said.
   21) “You came to my wedding, Stella” he said.
   22) “Where are you going for holidays this summer?” the teacher said.

  23) “Did you go to the party yesterday?”Jill said.

   24) “Did you lend me some money?” she said.
   25) ”How long does it take you to walk home from here?” he said.

     1) Annie _______________________________ (feel) disappointed because
         she _______________________________  (get) a low mark.
     2) The students _______________________________ (not
         think) about getting a job until they _______________________________ (finish)
     3) _______________________________ (Annie, read) the survey before she
         _______________________________ (answer) the questions?
     4) Jake and Laura _______________________________ (cook) dinner by the time
         their mum _______________________________ (get) home.
     5) Sue _______________________________ (shout) at her brother because he
         _______________________________ (break) her MP4.
     6) Anne’s friends _______________________________ (already leave) the disco
         when she _______________________________ (get) there.
     7) Evan _______________________________ (not hear) the news before I
         _______________________________ (tell) him.
     8) Bill _______________________________ (stop) playing football after he
         _______________________________ (hurt) his leg.
     9) I _______________________________ (not meet) my cousin until he
         _______________________________ (come) to London.
   10) Kim _______________________________ (feel) jealous after Cindy
         _______________________________ (get) the main part in the school play.
   11) After Ron _______________________________ (find) his mobile phone, he
        _______________________________ (feel) relieved.
   12) The basketball players _______________________________ (be) delighted
         because they _______________________________ (win) an important game.
   13) Jane _______________________________ (feel) guilty after she
         _______________________________ (shout) at her sister.
   14) Karen _______________________________ (forget) to buy milk
        so her mother _______________________________ (be) annoyed.
   15) Richard _______________________________ (be) horrified. A car
        _______________________________ (just ht) a boy on a bicycle.  
   16) Before he _______________________________ (leave), he
         _______________________________ (take) two sandwiches and a  small bottle of
   17) He _______________________________ (can not) call for help because
         he _______________________________ (forget) his mobile phone with him.
   18) After he _______________________________ (fisnish) his food, he
        _______________________________ (eat) grass and seeds.
   19) He _______________________________ (get) depressed after a helicopter
        pilot _______________________________ (fly) away without seeing him.
   20) By the time the hickers _______________________________ (find) him, he
         _______________________________ (lose) weight.
   21) When I _______________________________ (want) to open the door, I
         _______________________________ (realise) I
         _______________________________ (forget) my key.
   22) Ted _______________________________ (not go) to the party
          because _______________________________ (not study) for his test.
   23) It _______________________________ (start) to rain by the time we
         _______________________________(arrive) at the hotel.
   24) Melanie _______________________________ (be) annoyed because Max
         _______________________________ (not phone) her back.
   25) After I _______________________________ (get) on the train, I
         _______________________________ (see) that I
         _______________________________ (leave) my bag on the bench.
   26) _______________________________ (she, have) any acting
         experience before she _______________________________ (appear) in her first
   27) _______________________________ (he, become) famous
         after he _______________________________(appear) in the song contest?
   28) How many films _______________________________ (Barrymore, star) in before
          she _______________________________ (be) 17?
   29) _______________________________ (he, earn) a lot of money by
        the time he _______________________________ (finish) university?
   30) After I _______________________________ (speak) to him, I
         _______________________________ (feel) better.

     1) He is you friend, _______________________________?
     2) His father drives an expensive car, _______________________________?
     3) Liz won’t come, _______________________________?
     4) Mike can’t drive a car, _______________________________?
     5) I’m a student, _______________________________?
     6) Open the door, _______________________________?
     7) Samuel went to the zoo, _______________________________?
     8) You can play the guitar, _______________________________?
     9) Bob doesn’t like football, _______________________________?
   10) He wasn’t at the lesson, _______________________________?
   11) I am not very happy, _______________________________?
   12) Don’t take this bag, _______________________________?
   13) Pat has a sister, _______________________________?
   14) My sister could draw very well, _______________________________?
   15) They didn’t go there, _______________________________?
   16) Sslly isn’t at home, _______________________________?
   17) I am very talkative, _______________________________?
   18) Don’t talk so loudly, _______________________________?
   19) She sent a SMS, _______________________________?
   20) They will train here, _______________________________?
   21) We aren’t friends, _______________________________?
   22) We run around, _______________________________?
   23) Stay at home, _______________________________?
   24) He didn’t write a test, _______________________________?
   25) You cleaned the room, _______________________________?
   26) I am too high, _______________________________?
   27) Don’t tell lies, _______________________________?
   28) The gardener cut the grass, _______________________________?
   29) You mustn’t write on the desk, _______________________________?
   30) I’m thirsty, _______________________________?

     1) The airline sent our passage to Australia by mistake

     2) Farmers grow soy in Argentina.

     3) When did Fleming discover penicillin?
     4) How do many people make sushi?
     5) People export Spanish omelette to USA
     6) El Greco painted “The Gentleman with his hand on his chest”
     7) You don’t find penguins at the North Pole.
     8) Where do peope speak Mandarin?

     9) Columbus didn’t discover America in 1491.

   10) They draw some paintings.

   11) Did Spain win the last basketball Olympics?
   12) My uncle sold the bicycle.
   13) Do people speak English in Hawaii?
   14) The child broke all the plates in the cupboard.
   15) She didnt find the books.
   16) Who directed the film Twilight?
   17) Bees make honey
   18) Ann lost our keys.
   19) When did the teacher punish his students?

   20) How does Paul do so many things?
   21) The police fined the drunk driver.
   22) Jack didn’t win the tennis competition.
   23) Where did your brother take this photo?

   24) Who played the flute?

   25) The delegation meets the visitors at the airport.
   26) The Chinise discovered acupuncture thousands of years ago.
   27) Do you learn French easily?
   28) Your impolite tone surprises me.
   29) How do you write that word?
   30) The headmaster called his parents to the office.

      1) Tom is a clever boy and _________________________ (solve) these problems
      2) Andrew __________________________ (phone) you yesterday.
      3) She _________________________ (do) these difficult exercises when
          she was young.
      4) I _________________________ (write) this report right now.
      5) Alec _________________________ (skate) better when he was  twelve.
      6) _________________________ (you rewrite) the test two days before?
      7) She _________________________ (not send) us the parcel now.
      8) _________________________ (Hellen, take part) in this competition right now?
      9) She _________________________ (not dance) quite well in the last contest.
    10) Bill _________________________ (play) chess quite well now.
    11) _________________________ (you, arrive) in London next  weekend?
    12) He _________________________ (use) the computer when he was a  child.
    13) Nick is only three but he _________________________ (count) up to fifty.
    14) I _________________________ (not pick up) you in five minutes.
    15) She _________________________ (swim) very well last summer.
    16) _________________________ (Mary, finish) her picture yesterday?
    17) Sally isnt very busy today and she _________________________ (help)
           her mum at home.
    18) He _________________________ (drink) lemmon juice when he was a baby.
    19) I _________________________ (run) five kilometers much quicker now..  
    20) Pam _________________________ (not sing) professionally last year.
    21) I _________________________ (go) to the party because I was sick.
    22) _________________________ (Noel, cook) Italian food? Yes,he _______________
    24) My sister _________________________  (swim) last year but
          now she _______________
    25) _________________________ (you, read) when you were five
          years old? Yes, I _______________
    26) I am very tired so I _________________________ (go) out to the park to play
    27) _________________________ (you, see) the moon last night?
          No, I _______________.
    28) Penguins _________________________ (fly) but they
         _________________________ (swim) very well.
    29) _________________________ (you, see) that bird? No, I _______________.
          Where is it?
    30) I _________________________ (never memorize) all
          the rules in the past, I _________________________ (do) it now.

UNITS 7 & 8

UNIT 7 – 8 EXERCISES – SOLUTIONS - 3RD ESO 1.- WRITE THE SUPERLATIVE IN NEXT SENTENCES      1) January is often _________________________...