martes, 21 de mayo de 2019

Unit 6 S0 vs. SUCH/Conditional Sentences II

1.    He was ________ tired that he went to bed.
2.    It is __________ a great film that I saw it twice last week.
3.    The car is _____ old that no one wants to buy it.
4.    It’s _______ an old car that no one wants to buy it.
5.    The exam was ______ difficult that onñy two students passed.
6.    I am ________ excited about my summer holidays!
7.    His idea was _________ stupid that everybody laughed at him.
8.    Eating meet every day is _______ bad for your health!
9.    She’s ______________ wonderful singer!
10.  Her voice is ____________ good!
11.  That’s ________ an interesting book! I recommend it to you.
12.  It was ___________ nice weather that we stayed out all day in the sun.
13.  The weather was __________ nice that we stayed out all day in the sun.
14.  The teachers were _______ angry that we had to stay after class.
15.  The dinner was _____________ yummy that I want to go back to that restaurant soon.
16.  She’s ___________ a beautiful woman that she could be a top model.

1.    If I __________________ (be) you, I ___________________ (not buy) that car.
2.    We ____________________ (accept) the offer if they ________________ (pay) more Money.
3.    Sarah __________________(come) to the party if you _______________ (invite) her.
4.    If she _________________(visit) me more often, I ___________________ (feel) happier.
5.    If you ___________________ (not) smoke, you___________________ (be) healthier.
6.    They ___________________________ (buy) a  better house if they ______________(have) more money.
7.    _______________ you_______________ (say) yes if he ___________________ (ask) you out?
8.    I _______________________ (not work) If I _____________________ (win) the lottery.
9.    If Jon Snow ______________________ (be) the king, things ________________(look up) in the Seven Kingdoms.
10.  If Daenearis ____________________ (not have) 3 dragons, she ____________________ (not be) so powerful.
11.  They ____________________ (move) to a bigger house if they________________ (have) more Money.
12.  You ________________ (be) less fat if you ________________________ (eat) less chocolate.
13.  I ________________________ (not fail) so many subjects if I ____________________ (study) harder.
14.  If you ___________________(do) more exercise, you ______________________ (feel) much better.
15.  You ___________________________ (understand) much more if you _______________(pay) attention in class.
16.  If it _______________________(be) sunny, we ____________________ (go) on a picnic.
17.  You _____________________ (get) better marks at school if you _________________(not play) video games all day.
18.  If I ______________________(know) the answer, I ____________________ (not ask) you!
19.  Would you ___________________(drive) to work if you _____________ (have) a car?

20.  If you __________________________(love) me, you ___________________ (not say) those things to me!

UNITS 7 & 8

UNIT 7 – 8 EXERCISES – SOLUTIONS - 3RD ESO 1.- WRITE THE SUPERLATIVE IN NEXT SENTENCES      1) January is often _________________________...