martes, 28 de noviembre de 2017

Past simple/Past continuous

Past Tenses 
I. Complete the text with either the past simple or the past continuous form of the verb.
I _____________ (buy) a new alarm clock one day in Twinkle’s, when I _____________ (see) somebody shoplifting. I’d just finished paying for my clock as I _____________ (turn) round, an elderly woman _____________ (slowly put) a silver ashtray into her bag that she _____________ (carry). Then she _____________ (walk) over to another part of the shop and _____________ (pick up) an expensive-looking bracelet many times. When she _____________ (think) that nobody _____________ (look), she _____________ (drop) it into the bag. Before I _____________ (have) a chance to tell the staff in the shop, she _____________(notice) that I _____________ (watch) her and _____________ (hurry) out. Unfortunately for her, two policemen _____________ (walk) past at that moment and she _____________ (run) straight into them.

II. Put the verbs into the past simple or the past continuous form.
1.    He _____________ (sit) on the bank fishing, when he _____________ (see) a man’s hat floating down the river. It _____________ (seem) rather worn.
2.    It _____________(rain) when we _____________ (drive) home. I _____________(remember) closing the windows, so I _____________(not worry).
3.    As the goalkeeper _____________ (throw) the ball to the defender a sparrow _____________ (fly) across the pitch and it _____________ (hit) the poor bird.
4.    A history lesson _____________ (go) on. I _____________ (glance) at the teacher who _____________ (draw) something on the blackboard.
5.    The waiting room was full of people. Some _____________(read) others _____________ (sleep). When the doctor _____________ (arrive) I _____________ (stop) doing my crosswords.
6.    The train _____________ (start) when the door _____________ (open) and two men _____________ (leap) in.
7.    Most of us _____________ (listen) to the lecturer but some students _____________ (whisper) to each other. One of the boys _____________ (close) his eyes and _____________ (fall) asleep).
8.    While I _____________ (wonder) wether to buy that scarf a woman _____________ (come) and _____________ (buy) it.

III. Decide whether the verbs underlined are in the correct tense.

I was sitting at a desk writing letters. Outside the wind shut the garden shed’s door. Again and again. I wasn’t able to concentrate on my work. I was getting up and went to the window. The sounds of the storm were getting louder and the murmurs of a distant thunder were reaching me at that moment. I was thinking I was going to finish what I was doing but I went back to my writings. The rain was pouring down in large drops. I was hearing an animal howling. A dog – I thought. But it was the wind. I was seeing the trees bending down to the ground. Some leaves were rushing high up to the sky but suddenly they were giving up their struggle and returned. At that instant someone knocked at the door. While I turned towards it I realised that it was me. My heart beat aloud. When I continued the letter I wrote I constantly smiled upon my cowardness.

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous form.

1.   Where _______ he ________ (go) when you _________(see) him yesterday?
2.   The boys ________ (break) the window when they _______ (play) football.
3.   I _______ (lose) all my money when I ________ (travel) from Prague to Budapest.
4.   It ________ (rain) while I ________ (go) home.
5.   When my mother _________ (clean) my room she __________ (find) all my love letters.
6.   I __________ (stop) at a garage because my car __________ (make) a funny noise.
7.   He __________ (think) of her while he __________ (travel) home.
8.   The doorbell ___________ (ring) while I __________ (dry) my hair.
9.   They ___________ (have) an accident when they __________ (come) back from holiday.
10. My grandmother first _________ (meet) my grandfather  when he __________ (work) in the country.
11. I ________ (see) him at the party. He __________ (wear) jeans and a T-shirt.
12. She _________ (go) to sleep while I __________ (tell) her about my boyfriend.
13. When I __________ (look) at him I saw that he _________ (cry).
14. They ___________ (clean) the house all day yesterday.
15. They ___________ (play) in the garden when it __________ (start) to snow.

V.    Make the following sentences negative.

a.    He washed his car yesterday.
b.    The film was worse than I expected.
c.    I arrived before the end of the show.
d.    She threw the ball into the goal.
e.    Two people were sitting in the room
f.    She was making breakfast.

VI.    Write questions for the underlined parts.

a.    He stopped the train when he saw the cow.
b.    I borrowed my brother’s bike.
c.    John bought the tickets.
d.    They went to Stockholm.
e.    There were four chairs around the table.
f.    A man was standing next to the window.
g.    It cost a lot of money.
h.    We were waiting for the bus that time.
i.    My grandfather smoked ten cigarettes a day.

VII.    Put the verbs into the correct tense (past simple or continuous).

When Samy         (arrive) home he         (find) three men in his flat. One of them         (be) Timmy, his best friend. He         (sit) on the sofa and he         (talk) with Eric. Eric is a funny guy. Sammy and Eric        (be) classmates in the elementary school. They         (do) a lot of things together. The third men         (be) Craig. Sammy             (meet) craig only once. Last year they         (go) camping together to the mountains. But why          (be) they in his flat? And why they             (drink) cocktails in his living room? Sammy        (want) to ask them theese questions when suddenly he         (realise) that it         (be) his birthday. He             (not ask) anything just         (join) the boys who now         (laugh) at his suprise.

VIII.    Put the words into the correct order.

a.    in I a when I Manchester worked lived in shop.
b.    our to we them invited party.
c.    yesterday at Tom work was ?
d.    that enough have to I didn’t money buy ring.
e.    the I very film enjoyed much.

IX.    Decide whether the parts in bold are in the correct tense.

a.    Leopold was falling off the ladder while he was painting the ceiling.
b.    Wendy was waiting for me when I arrived.
c.    We didn’t go fishing because it rained.
d.    I was seeing  Scott in the park. He was sitting on the grass and he read a book.
e.    This time last year I had holiday on Bali.
f.    When I was getting up the TV was on.
X) Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verbs.

1. A: What (you, do)                                     when the accident happened?
B: I (try)                        to change a light bulb that had burnt out.

2. After I (find)                           the wallet full of money, I (go, immediately)                       to the police and (turn)                                        it in.

3. The doctor (say)                                         that Tom (be)                                           too sick to go to work and that he (need)                                         to stay at home for a couple of days.

4. Sebastian (arrive)                                         at Susan's house a little before 9:00 pm, but she (be, not)                                           there. She (study, at the library)                                for her final examination in French.

5. Sandy is in the living room watching television. At this time yesterday, she (watch, also)           television. That's all she ever does!

6. A: I (call)                                                 you last night after dinner, but you (be, not)            there. Where were you?
B: I (work)                                  out at the fitness center.

7. When I (walk)                                       into the busy office, the secretary (talk)                  on the phone with a customer, several clerks (work, busily)                                             at their desks, and two managers (discuss, quietly)                                   methods to improve customer service.

8. I (watch)                                            a mystery movie on T.V. when the electricity went out. Now I am never going to find out how the movie ends.

9. Sharon (be)                                         in the room when John told me what happened, but she didn't hear anything because she (listen, not)                                           .

10. It's strange that you (call)                                   because I (think, just)                about you.

11. The Titanic (cross)                             the Atlantic when it (strike)                        an iceberg.

12. When I entered the souk, a couple of sellers (bargain, busily)                                and (try)                                                to sell their goods to naive tourists who (hunt)                  for souvenirs. Some young boys (lead)                                               their donkeys through the narrow streets on their way home.

13. The firemen (rescue)                              the old woman who (be)                  trapped.

14. She was so annoying! She (leave, always)                                               her dirty dishes in the sink. I think she (expect, actually)                                    me to do them for her.

15. Samantha (live)                                                     in Berlin for more than two years. In fact, she (live)                                     there when the Berlin wall came down.

PAST SIMPLE.  Regular verbs.                                                                                 
1. Choose the right verb, make the simple past, and fill the spaces in the following sentences:
cry                   fail                  play                 stay                  work                climb               not study
1)     The boys ____________________ a very high mountain last winter.
2)     I read a very sad story yesterday and I _____________________ a lot.
3)     Your brother ____________________ his exam because he _______________________ enough.
4)     My father was in Oxford yesterday and _________________ in a hotel.
5)     The school team ____________________ a football match on Monday.
6)     When I was in London I _____________________ in an old book shop.
            live                  visit                 wait                 explode                        arrive               help
7)     The teacher ______________________ the pupils to decorate the classroom.
8)     The King of Spain ____________________ in Rome when he was a child.
9)     The car ___________________ after the crash.
10)   Peter’s dog ______________________ for him outside the supermarket.
11)   Last summer I ____________________ my grandparents in Scotland.
12)   I was waiting at the station when the train _____________________ .
            prefer               close                 fry       study               finish               look                 travel
13)   The woman turned her head and _____________________ up at the sky.
14)   The pupils ___________________ a picture by Picasso in the Art lesson.
15)   I invited John to dinner, but he _____________________ to go to a disco.
16)   I was very hungry, so I went into the kitchen and ___________________ some eggs and potatoes.
17)   The pupils _______________________ to Barcelona in June.
18)   The teacher ______________ the lesson and the pupils________________________ their books.

Write the Negative, Interrogative and Short Answers for sentences number:.....1, 7, 9, 10 and 17
Translate sentences number:.............................................................2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16

Complete these sentences with a regular verb.
1)    Jenny ________________ her watch using a screwdriver. (MEND)
2)    The car passed by the corner and ___________________ right. (TURN)
3)    The public ______________________ their hands after the performance. (CLAP)
4)    I ____________________ at the picture in the museum for hours. (LOOK)
5)    My friend ____________________ me all her new CDs. (SHOW)
6)    Peter and Mary ____________________ when they were twenty-nine. (MARRY)
7)    Susie _____________________ a hair-drier to dry her clothes. (USE)
8)    When I was at school, I ______________________ about my studies. (WORRY)
9)    The gangsters ____________________ a lot of money in a shop near my house. (ROB)
10) The architect ____________________ a lot of workers in the building works. (EMPLOY)

PAST SIMPLE. Irregular verbs.                                                                                
1.     Complete with a verb in the simple past from the list below. Translate the sentences into Spanish:
1)     The wind was blowing hard, so I __________________ up the window panes. (SHUT)
2)     The film _______________________ at half past eight. (BEGIN)
3)     Paul’s father _______________________ him his old collection of comics. (GIVE)
4)     All the pupils in the graduation party _____________________ school uniforms. (WEAR)
5)     John met a girl yesterday and  ______________________ her to see the city. (TAKE)
6)     My sister ______________________ Chinese at University. (LEARN)
7)     I ___________________ the letter into a hundred pieces. (TEAR)
8)     The public __________________________ on their chairs and watched the play in silence. (SIT)
9)     The old man _______________________ the whole summer with his family. (SPEND)
10)   My sister and her husband _______________ to Los Angeles yesterday night. (FLY)

2.     Complete with a verb in the simple past from the list below. Translate the sentences into Spanish:
1)     Last night I _________________________ in my brother’s room. (SLEEP)
2)     The woman _____________________ a bunch of flowers up in the wind. (THROW)
3)     Jenny ________________________ a nice poem for her boyfriend. (WRITE)
4)     The teacher _______________________ the duster on the window sill. (PUT)
5)     We ______________________ roasted turkey in Xmas night. (EAT)
6)     I _____________________ very angry when Sally told me all about it. (FEEL)
7)     A pupil ______________________ a portrait of the Maths teacher. (DRAW)
8)     My brother knocked at the door and ___________________ into the office. (GO)
9)     The snow _______________________ down slowly in soft white flakes. (FALL)
10)   I went into the sea and ______________________ in the clean waters under the sun. (SWIM)

3.     Complete with a verb in the simple past from the list below. Translate the sentences into Spanish:
1)     The fisherman ____________________ a very big salmon. (CATCH)
2)     My friend _____________________ with me to the cinema last Saturday. (COME)
3)     You ___________________ a great favour to me yesterday, thanks Peter. (DO)
4)     He ______________________ the outline of the lion with a pair of scissors. (CUT)
5)     Jenny jumped over the fence and __________________ across the field. (RUN)
6)     Yesterday afternoon I _______________________ a new adventure novel. (BUY)
7)     The pupils ____________________ lunch at half past one this morning. (HAVE)
8)     The children _______________________ a lot of lemonade at the birthday party. (DRINK)
9)     The silly man _____________________ the donkey with a stick. (HIT)
10)   The old woman drank a glass of cold water and ____________________ a bad cold later. (GET)

4.     Complete with a verb in the simple past from the list below. Translate the sentences into Spanish:
1)     The girl ____________________ her school books to a friend. (SELL)
2)     The new group __________________ all their great hits. (SING)
3)     Jenny ___________________ me her bicycle for the summer holidays. (LEND)
4)     I was in a hurry, but finally I ___________________ the train on time. (CATCH)
5)     Last autumn John _________________ a lot of photos in Greece. (TAKE)
6)     Those gold earrings ______________________ me fifty pounds. (COST)
7)     The wind __________________ powerfully and the dead leaves fluttered in the air. (BLOW)
8)     The Watson family ____________________ some tasteful seafruit in the restaurant. (EAT)
9)     Johnny was studying in his room when the phone ___________________. (RING)
10)   My mother _______________________ a letter to a TV contest yesterday. (SEND)

Write the Negative, Interrogative and Short Answers for sentences: 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22.
Translate sentences number:.................1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 23, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28 y 30

Past Simple   or   Past Progressive?

1) We use the past simple to talk about a complete (finished) action (long or short)
     We use the past progressive for actions which were not complete (not finished) at a past time

        Yesterday, he got up at 7:00, had breakfast at 8.00. He went out and worked from 9:00 to 4:00

            While he was working, his wife phoned.            

      Yesterday at 8:00, when John came home, I was reading


Practice 1: past simple or past progressive?

I lived / was living in France for nine years.
Sue lived / was living in France when her uncle died.
At 6:15, when you phoned, I had / was having a shower.
We watched / were watching TV all evening.
Bill watched / was watching TV when Anne came in.
My father worked / was working hard all his life.
They got married while they studied / were studying at university.
Yesterday we drove / were driving from Oxford to Edinburgh and back.
It was a nice evening yesterday, so I walked / was walking home from work.

2) We often use the past progressive and the past simple together, for example with while.
Past progressive: longer action or situation
Past simple: complete shorter action that happened during the longer action.

While I was having a bath,                                                        While I was talking to Susan,

PAST-----------------*--------------------NOW               PAST-----------------------*------------------------NOW

            the phone rang...                                                                      Bill came into the room...

Practice 2: past simple or past progressive?
While I ............................................... down the road, I ........................................ Bill. (walk, see)
While I ....................................... the newspaper, the cat ................................. on the table. (read, jump)
Alan ..................................... Helen while he ....................................... in Germany. (meet, travel)
Sally ...................................... her arm while she ..................................... . (break, ski)
While I ............................................, somebody ..................................... my car (shop, steal)

3) We can use when in different ways with past tenses:
When Anne came home, John was cooking supper. (Anne came home during the cooking)
When Anne came home, John cooked supper. (First Anne came home, then John cooked supper)

Practice 3: past simple or past progressive?
When I went out, it .................................... . (rain)                    When we asked, they .................... ‘No’ (say)
When Mary got home, she ........................ tea. (make)     When I walked in, they, ......................... . (talk)
When I dropped the glass, it .................... . (break)                      When I saw John, he ............................ . (shop)
When I phoned him, he ............................. . (work)                    When John saw me, he ......................... . (stop)
1. Complete this text with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Jack’s father …………………… (read) a book last night when he …………………… (hear) a noise out in the garden. He …………………… (open) the window and looked out. It …………………… (be) a dark night and at first he could see nothing. But as he …………………… (shut) his window, he …………………… (see) a man. The man ………….………… (try) to climb over the garden wall. He was a thief. When he saw Jack’s father at the window, he ………………… (jump) off the wall and ran away. Jack’s father ………………… (run) after him. There was a car at the end of the street, and someone else …………..………… (wait) for him inside. The thief reached the car, but just as he ……………… (get) into it, Jack’s father ……………… (catch) him.

2. Complete these sentences with the Past Simple and Past Continuous.

The boy was knocked down by a bus as he ……………………………… (cross) the road.
A lot of people ……………………. (see) the accident while they ………………….. (wait) for the train.
Just as the doctor ……………………… (go) to bed there ……………………… (be) a knock at the door.
Silvia …………… (go) to the British Museum when she …………………… (study) at London College.
He …………… (fall) down and ………………… (break) his leg while he……………… (play) football.
The travellers ………………………… (reach) the town as the sun …………………………… (set).
The foolish boy ………………………… (jump) off the bus while it ……………………………… (go).
The hunter ……………… (shoot) and …………………… (kill) the lion just as it ……...…….... (jump).

3. Translate into English using the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.
1) Mi amigo estaba comprando un cuaderno y yo estaba comprando un libro.
2) Estábamos escuchando música en la clase cuando llegó el profesor.
3) Cuando salí de la oficina, envié tu carta. 
4) Me encontré a tu hermano mientras corría en el parque.
5) Sandra no fue a la fiesta de cumpleaños porque estaba trabajando ese día.

4. Put in the correct tenses: past simple or past continuous.
At six o’clock this morning I (have) a wonderful dream, but then the alarm (go) off.
While I (talk) to Mrs Portens somebody (walk) into my office and (steal) the computer.
I (look) out of the window and (see) that we (fly) over the mountains.
I (wake) up to find that water (drop) through the bedroom ceiling.
I (meet) Nancy when I (go) back home from work this morning. She (shop).
She (tell) me she (have) a bad time with her husband.         
I (go) to see how she (be) and found she (cry).                    When I walked in, they (talk) about Henry.
She (meet) her husband while she (travel) in Egypt.             When Jake (come) in everybody (stop) talking.
5. Write the sentences with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.
When I (come) ………………………… home my family (clean) …………………………  the garden. 
For lunch yesterday Chris (eat) ………………………… spaghetti.
I (break) ………………………… my pen while I (do) ………………………… my activities.
Peter (turn on) ………………………… the TV, but nothing ………………………… (happen).           
While we (run) ………………………… in the park, Mary ………………………… (fall over).
When Helen (be) ………………………… at school, she (learn) ………………………… to speak German.
At seven o’clock Tony (get) ………………………… out of bed, and (go) ………………… into the bathroom.
While Kate (drink) ………………………… some milk, she (drop) ………………………… the glass.
Jane (not be) ………………………… at home when I (visit) ………………………… her yesterday.
When the teacher (come) ………………………… into the class, two boys ………………………… (fight).
This time yesterday I (lie) ………………………… on the beach.
Yesterday at 12.00 I (sit) ………………………… on the sofa (watch) ………………………… TV, then I (hear) ……………… the doorbell, so I (stand) ………………… up and (go) ……………… to open the door.
1. Complete these sentences using the Past Simple ONLY.

The pupils ……………………. (win) the match, but they ………….. (not play) very well.
We ……………………… (not go) to the cinema, we ………………….. (go) to a concert
Carmen …………………. (not come) to the party because she ……………….. (be) ill.
When ..…………………………………. (Ana, buy) the books? Yesterday.
What ……………………… (you, eat) in the bar? ………………………… (you, like) it?
I ……………….. (study) really hard last week, so I ……….…….. (pass) the Maths exam easily.
The driver …………………………… (stop) the bus at one side of the road.

2. Choose a verb from the list and complete these sentences.  Make sure that they make sense.

cry       draw    sleep    count    come     wash    play     fly     eat       live      begin   look    

He was very tired and __________ for nine hours last night.            The baby was ill and ___________ all night.            
I ________ my hands and face this morning.                             The teacher _________ a picture on the board.
The children were hungry and _____________ all the cakes.           Jack’s father _______ in London until 1988.
He opened the door and ____________ into the room.                    This lesson ____________ twenty minutes ago.
The cat climbed the tree, but the bird _________ away.                   The boys _____________ football last Saturday.
He took the book and _____________ at the pictures.                She opened her purse and ____________ the money.

1. Complete these sentences using the Past Continuous.

1 The sun …………………….…... (set), and a fresh air ……………………... (blow) in the beach.
2 The children ………………..….. (sing) in the party, and the girls ……………………… (dance).
3 Yes, all of us …….……….…………… (do) many things at the same time. While my father …………………….…… (help) my mother in the garden, my brother Ken ................................. (and I ………….……………. (study) our room.

2. Choose the correct tense from those underlined below, and complete with the verb in brackets.

While I was doing / did my homework, I ………………… (have) a good idea.   
When she ………………… (arrive), I was going / went into the kitchen.
Jim was breaking / broke his leg when he …………………….. (play) rugby.   
While Joe was cooking / cooked lunch, his wife ………………………. (call).
While Maria ……………………… (cycle) home, she was losing / lost her schoolbag.        
While I had / was having a bath, the phone …………………. (ring).
I was seeing / saw an old friend while I ………………………. (travel) in the night train.
Anne was meeting / met Judy while she ………………………… (do) some shopping.
We were finding / found an old box while we ………………………… (dig) in the garden.
Someone was taking / took Peter’s bag while he ……………………….... (make) a phone call.

11. Translate into English using the Past Simple.
1) No aprobé el examen de Matemáticas, pero aprobé el examen de Inglés.
2) ¿Leíste el periódico ayer?                                           
3) No viajé a Francia, viajé a Italia.
4) ¿Los alumnos pusieron los libros en el armario?
5) ¿Cuándo compraste este ordenador? El martes pasado.
6) George visitó a sus abuelos el mes pasado.                    
7) ¿Escribiste a tu tío? No.
8) La familia de Jenny se mudó a Londres cuando ella dejó el colegio.
9) ¿Te dio Lucy el libro de arte? No, pero me dio una colección de fotos.
10) ¿Hiciste los deberes de Inglés? Sí, los hice todos.

12. Translate into English using the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.
1) Mi hermana estaba comprando una revista cuando vio el accidente.
2) Sam caminaba hacia su casa cuando se encontró con Jeniffer.
3) Estaba escuchando música en mi habitación cuando alguien llamó a la puerta.
4) Justo cuando me marchaba de la oficina, llegó tu carta. 
5) Me rompí un brazo mientras patinaba en el parque.
6) Pedro no jugó al fútbol ayer porque estaba estudiando en su casa.
7) Estábamos paseando al perro cuando vimos a tu hermano.
8) Cuando llegamos al castillo estaba lloviendo.    
9) Harry no vino a la fiesta anoche porque estaba estudiando para un examen.
10) John estaba viviendo en Oxford cuando su padre compró  la casa nueva.

13. Translate into English using the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.

María estaba haciendo los deberes cuando sonó el teléfono.
Yo estaba metiéndome en la cama cuando alguien llamó a la puerta.
Cuando mi madre llegó del trabajo, mi padre estaba cocinando.
Cuando vino el tren, Juan estaba esperando en el andén.
El escenario se derrumbó mientras cantaban.
Estábamos jugando a las cartas cuando una de las sillas se rompió.
Celia leyó un capítulo de la novela mientras almorzaba.
Estábamos paseando al perro cuando vimos a tu hermano.
Yo estaba desayunando cuando oí un grito en la calle.

Collin estaba estudiando en la universidad cuando su hermano se  mudó a Bristol.

UNITS 7 & 8

UNIT 7 – 8 EXERCISES – SOLUTIONS - 3RD ESO 1.- WRITE THE SUPERLATIVE IN NEXT SENTENCES      1) January is often _________________________...